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How Jennifer Aniston maintains her Stunning Beauty Style

Monday, March 5

jennifer aniston
Jennifer Aniston is one of my favorite Hollywood actresses. I find her pretty, so hot and sexy despite of her age; believe it or not she’s already 43 but as you can see in this picture, her beauty and style seems like 30 years old. Maybe you’re wondering as me why she stays as beautiful and effervescent as she is, and how does she maintains her beauty disregarding her demanding time being an actress and a producer as well.

Well, on the late-night TV show of Conan O’Brien, a beauty reporter, he asked Aniston about her beauty secret and the star replied: “I'm obsessed with laser porn.” This means that she keeps her look by using laser therapy remove the dead cells and the age spots from her Cali-type complexion. “The dead skin on your face just kind of falls off for eight days.” she added.

Jen’s Makeup

Amazingly, Jen’s overall makeup products cost her $402 (source: YahooNews), and these expenses doesn’t cover the makeup artist fees. Her makeup artist named Angela Levin, a career consultant in the beauty industry said that several celebrity makeup artists charged $4,000 a day, but Levin didn’t disclose her rate.

Jen’s Hair

She usually get her hair cut style in The Salon in Beverly Hills, owns by Chris McMillan. The haircut in this salon costs her more or less $300, and when McMillan himself cut Jen’s hair it charges her $600.

That’s what Jennifer Aniston’s beauty secret style. The charges are shocking steep, which cost a lot!

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